关务小二 发表于 2021-4-23 15:36:09


The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries this year intend to expand the forum’s list of environmental goods that receive reduced tariff treatment, a top New Zealand trade official said this week, arguing the APEC push could be a “building block” for work on the issue at the World Trade Organization.
新西兰一位高级贸易官员本周表示,亚太经济合作组织(关务小二注:即亚太贸易协定)国家今年打算扩大该环保商品清单,以获得减免关税的待遇,并认为亚太经合组织的推动可以成为世界贸易组织在这个问题上开展工作的 "基石"。

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New Zealand is this year's APEC host. The country’s deputy trade secretary, Vangelis Vitalis, on Tuesday said his government’s plans for outcomes include an expanded environmental goods list and a commitment to ensure ongoing reviews to update the list in the future. This effort, along with other plurilateral climate and trade initiatives, can set the stage for environmental work at the WTO, he argued, including renewing negotiations on an Environmental Goods Agreement.
新西兰是2021年APEC的东道主。该国贸易副部长Vangelis Vitalis周二表示,该国政府的成果计划包括一个扩大的环保商品清单,并承诺确保在未来持续审查以更新该清单。他认为,这一努力以及其他诸边气候和贸易倡议,可以为世贸组织的环境保护工作奠定基础,包括重新进行环保商品协议的谈判。

Specifically, Vitalis said during a Washington International Trade Association webinar that the APEC trade ministers will work on updating the list during their June ministerial. New Zealand could then announce the expanded list at the end of the year. He added that he expects ministers to “commit to regular reviews” of the list.
具体而言,Vitalis在华盛顿国际贸易协会的网络研讨会上说,亚太经合组织的贸易部长们将在6月的部长级会议上努力更新清单。然后,新西兰可能会在今年年底宣布扩大的清单。他补充说,他希望部长们能 "致力于定期审查 "该清单。

“This is a living list. It needs to be regularly updated and refreshed,” Vitalis argued. He said he expected each country would bring a list of goods to the table and then would work to prove those items are “credible” to be included as environmental goods. He said the discussions would “define by doing” rather than get bogged down in agreeing to a definition of an environmental good.
"这是一份灵活的清单。它需要定期更新和刷新,"Vitalis认为。他预计每个国家都会带来一份商品清单,然后将努力证明这些项目是 "可信的",可以被列为环保商品。他说,讨论将 "通过实践来定义",而不是在商定环境产品的定义上陷入困境。

The list, which was agreed to in 2011, includes 54 items. Countries committed to reducing tariffs on these products to 5 percent or less by 2015. It includes a variety of products, from bamboo flooring and boiler parts to water filters and solar energy goods.


Vitalis argued that because APEC is not a trade negotiation forum, it could provide a path for a quick success and a “reference point” to move the needle.
维塔利斯认为,由于亚太经合组织不是一个贸易谈判论坛,它可以提供一个快速成功的路径和一个 "参考点 "来推动工作。

“We are not going to do this for the next four years. We are doing it this year simply to identify the products. And given that APEC is both consensus and voluntary, we think that is an opportunity to develop a longer list, a more ambitious list,” he said. “And then … we hope that APEC economies will want to take that to Geneva as a contribution to the process there. And for people to think of that as a reference point.”

The Environmental Goods Agreement talks stalled in 2016 and the Trump administration showed no interest in reviving them. President Biden, though, has made climate change a centerpiece of his administration’s agenda, and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai’s first speech since her confirmation emphasized her intention to use trade policy as a tool for climate mitigation.

A group of House Democrats earlier this month urged the Biden administration to restart EGA talks as a part of its emphasis on climate change.

The Atlantic Council’s Mark Linscott, during the same webinar, noted that the EGA talks had their fair share of bumps in the road, starting as a multilateral negotiation but moving to plurilateral after counties like India and South Africa “clearly did not want an ambitious agreement.”
大西洋理事会的马克-林斯科特在同一网络研讨会上指出,EGA谈判在道路上有其公平的份额,开始是多边谈判,但在印度和南非等国家 "显然不想要一个雄心勃勃的协议 "之后,转为诸边谈判。

Linscott said he wasn’t very optimistic about the prospects for EGA, arguing that “the WTO’s not ready – even plurilaterally, I think – to do much on the environmental goods front.” However, he added, upcoming major climate events – this week’s White House-led Leaders Summit on Climate and the United Nations Climate Change Conference later this year – could provide momentum for tackling environmental trade issues.
林斯科特说,他对EGA的前景不是很乐观,认为 "WTO还没有准备好--即使是多边的,我认为--在环境产品方面做很多事情。" 然而,他补充说,即将到来的重大气候事件--本周由白宫领导的气候问题领导人峰会和今年晚些时候的联合国气候变化大会--可以为解决环境贸易问题提供动力。

Vitalis said he was heartened by Tai’s speech, arguing that U.S. leadership is integral to progress on these issues. “U.S. leadership in the trade and environment field has been absolutely critical to any successes we’ve been able to achieve. And when that leadership hasn’t been there, we simply haven't made the progress that we really urgently need to do,” he said. “Not to put too fine a point on it, I’m certainly hoping we will see leadership” from the new administration.

Chuck姚 发表于 2021-4-23 16:54:52


cscell 发表于 2021-4-24 23:01:20


wqlong120 发表于 2022-6-10 10:20:03

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